
on your social media

You make two pictures of your entire body, from head to toe: one dressed and one ‘naked’. You decide your clothing yourself. You decide if you stay within or step outside of your comfort zone. Completely nude is incredibly beautiful, but Instagram and Facebook will certainly delete them, and you will even risk your account permanently disappearing. The solution is covering body parts with your hands, a photo in underwear or cover up using objects that denounce this hypocrisy.

The essence is a mirror between the two photos.
I am and I am too.

use the hashtag #breakoutnu

You can certainly use the photo below for it as well!


taking part as a photographer

Photographers who want to participate are very welcome, more even, they’re actually the essence of our project. You look for 10 people who want to participate. Décor, lighting, style, mood, color or black and white … all of that is completely open and in your hands.

We only ask with the utmost urgency to respect our intent:

The participants choose their own clothing, pose, what they want to show (nude or partially covered) and afterwards they can still decide if the photos will eventually be published, so only if they really feel completely good with the photos. A freedom comes naturally to us. Both photos are taken in the same pose to honor the mirror. Finally, you also ask your model to write a short motivation text that we will publish on this website.

You deliver both photos as one jpg with a white line between the two imagines. Thanks!!!


  1. Emanuel Maes - March 2021
  2. Maarten Marchau - May 2021
  3. Pascal Baetens - May 2021
  4. you?